Monday, May 30, 2011
The Momadonnas know they are beautiful women who really should be satisfied with their bodies – so of course we aren’t. It’s not that we don’t appreciate our sexy little selves, in fact we love our lady lumps so much we have added a few extra lumps and bumps just to keep our bodies all sorts of curvy. However, even in our perfection there are a few changes we would like to make. So we all exercise. Ring Leader likes to run and participates in real races like the infamous Ragnar relays. The Professional lifts weights that are well over the three-pound mark, which just happens to be Punks personal limit. Even the LLs join in the fun and LL Heather is training for Triathlons while LL Maria is hitting the gym a minimum of twice a week and dragging all her sisters along! Then there is Punk. She is coordinating the outfits. Yes, unfortunately it’s true; and although we are definitely not the Lantern Core, she has put us all in bright green Momadonna Fashion. We look something like mom size limes (which isn’t too bad, we could be made into margaritas…) No doubt everyone will see us coming!
Just picture it: a matching group of florescent green moms walking down the hall towards you (probably in slow motion). Written in bold across their chests, like Superman, is a big black M – Momadonna. Quite a vision isn’t it.
Why is fashion so important? Because exercise is more than working on your body, it’s about feeling good about YOU! During the long, dark winter months it can be hard to feel good or energetic about anything. After exercising all the moms report feeling energized and ready to chase those Minions out of the rain. We all feel proud of what we have accomplished. We feel sweaty and sexy and strong! All it takes is a good hour or even 20 minutes of exercising and we are ready to take on the world! We love how it makes us feel and the results aren’t bad either. We have better muscle tone and stamina, which we need for those all night dance-a-thons. So bring on the dancing – but not the florescent green tops. Those can stay in the closet while we dance….
Friday, May 13, 2011
Mom Awards!
From the Momadonnas Tribune.......
Momadonnas Declare Their Awards a Success
By PUNK - Tribune Staff Writer
The Not-So-Associated Press
* Minions had to attend the event; their moms drove them to Punk’s house.
**Usually at the Grade School with Minions involved…
***She has to visit the blog weekly because she is the author.
Momadonnas Declare Their Awards a Success
By PUNK - Tribune Staff Writer
The Not-So-Associated Press
SALT LAKE CITY, UT — The Momadonns declare their first annual Award Show a success. Friday May 6th, 2011 crowds of Minions gathered after school at the exclusive Casa Del Punk for access to this gala event.* The youthful Minions found themselves energized by the prospect of trophies and cupcakes.
Five moms were recognized this year for their motherly achievements: Ring leader for Organizational Excellence, The Professional for Dancers Choice, Punk for Best Mom under 5 foot, Bitch for Smart A$$ mom award and finally, LL Of The Year went to LL Heather. For those unfamiliar with the Momadonnas vernacular LL is the abbreviation for Lovely Lady.
Ring Leader - who has attended many awards ceremonies** commented, "In case you were wondering, the awards are amazing. No really. What the awards did for the moms was so perfect." Ring Leader missed a later Awards Ceremony due to a camping incident. She appeared healthy on Friday.
LL Heather, winner of the coveted LL of the Year Award, also seemed pleased. While addressing the crowd in her acceptance speech she stated: “Thank you for a WONDERFUL afternoon!!! The awards are Amazing.”
LL Heather, winner of the coveted LL of the Year Award, also seemed pleased. While addressing the crowd in her acceptance speech she stated: “Thank you for a WONDERFUL afternoon!!! The awards are Amazing.”
Master of Ceremonies Punk, whose book The Adventures of the Group Formally known as Momtourage, started the Momadonnas phenomenon, created the Momadonnas Awards in 2011. She feels this gives them some credibility and if any reader disagrees she said she would simply “make up something else that sounds credible and add it to the blog too.” When asked what she would say to people who claim that they are unfamiliar with the Momadonnas, she responded, "I’m not surprised the majority of people have not heard of the Momadonnas, we are rather exclusive. I would, however suggest everyone read the blog at least once.” She herself visits the website weekly and she hints that everyone else reading this article visits the Momadonna blog as well. *** She notes the blog has a very passionate fan following… all of which seem to be the Momadonnas themselves.
* Minions had to attend the event; their moms drove them to Punk’s house.
**Usually at the Grade School with Minions involved…
***She has to visit the blog weekly because she is the author.
Sunday, May 8, 2011
Mother’s Day Tea
How do you celebrate Mother’s Day? The Momadonnas wanted something big and yet relaxing (don’t we always?). So I (Punk) decided on a Mother’s Day Tea. I’ve always wanted a tea party and even convinced The Professional to have one at her house a few years back. However, this year was different, this year I was doing it my way – all the way. Watch out girls this could get interesting!
I feel Mother’s Day is not just for celebrating your own motherhood or even your mother’s lucky accomplishment of having you (although there really should be a holiday for that too….). It’s about celebrating ALL moms especially those who have gone before. I’ve always appreciated my Grandmother she was the most sophisticated and stylish woman that I knew. She was posh before Mrs. Beckham was a twinkle in her mother’s eye. I remember that I would stare in awe at her silver and play with her napkin rings whenever I could get away with it. This year, after she passed away, we cleaned out the family home and I was lucky enough to leave with two items: a real silver tray and one of her fancy sets of linens. So I ask, how better to celebrate Mother’s Day than with style - Grandmother style!
So of course I got my fancy tea party…
The moms sat informally around the living room sipping tea* and eating hors-d’oeuvres including biscuits imported from England, CanapĂ© (mini sandwiches shaped like hearts and stars and yes, before you ask, all the crusts were cut off), mini cupcakes, and carrots (ugh not carrots again – they follow me everywhere!). The Minions were exiled to the dining room to sit and enjoy their tea together at a table.** Proudly displayed were my Grandmother’s silver and linen. They were being used just as she would have wanted them to be. I was surrounded by some of the best mothers I know, those that inspire, support, motivate, and complete me. When the afternoon tea party came to a close we all felt like a winner, especially me.
Of course it could have been the trophies…
*Pinkies extended as is proper for a lady.
**Note: Minions should always be at a table! It is safer that way.
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