Sunday, June 24, 2012

The End?

You may have noticed the Momadonnas articles have not been coming out as often as they used to, and I have to admit that as the author I have noticed this too.  So I asked myself what’s happening? I also answered myself (as you have to when talking to yourself) and I have to admit was a bit surprised by my own answer: I was just not feeling it.

So is this the end? Are we now going to evolve into the X-moms? Can you see us now - Superheroes like X-men but less manly, more momly, but still looking great in spandex.  NO- Silly of course we are not stopping! No, No, No acting as Momadonnas is our way of life! Besides we have too many wild adventures to stop being us, and what would we do without out our traveling lip balm? We are what The Professional calls “Forever Friends”.  Wherever life takes us we will always be friends and even if one of us were to move away, we would never totally lose touch! We are the kind of friends who after ten years run into each other at the mall and are right back where they left off as if the time in-between had never occurred. The Momdonnas love each other and as they say "the proof is in the pie" *
The end result is I have decided to write again. I figure someone has to tell our friends what we are up to. I also think a page dedicated to the Momprom is a necessity because if we didn’t share that event I’m fairly sure the world as we know it may cease to exist….
See. Told you so.

*What- people don’t say “the proof is in the pie”? Well they should then shouldn’t they besides it was a chocolate pie....