Sunday, February 24, 2013


“What's in a name? 
That which we call a bitch, 
By any other name 
still yells as loudly." 
 – William Shakespeare-ish

I remember when we first created/acknowledged our nicknames, we laughed ourselves sick! Then we bravely told our friends about these names and they all shook their heads saying we were crazy (and in their defense we were –still are). This was especially true with Bitch’s nickname:  El BITCH. I remember watching the total denial in some of her friends’ faces when she shared her nickname with them at Bunko. There was even a loud argument (which Bitch won of course)– her friends saying there was no way that she could be nick named Bitch! She was way too nice.  Thinking back I don’t think they looked at our Bitch the way we do, the way she does – with attitude.  You see, they are right, Bitch is really a good person. She has rescued little black kittens and found them homes, educated strangers on how to take care of motorcycles because she was worried they would get themselves hurt, raised her 3 week old nephew when his parents couldn’t, and held onto each of us when our worlds fell apart and then dried our tears... ok maybe she didn’t actually dry our tears but she did hand us a tissue so we could do it ourselves.

So you ask how can this person I describe be the bitch? Why? – because this bitch  knows what she wants and she wants Birch as her nickname! Bitch is about attitude and not taking no for an answer. The Momadonna’s Bitch gets what she wants and makes things happen. She will yell across a crowded room and leap tall buildings all in a days work. She will talk the talk and walk the walk. She is the Bitch and don’t you forget it!