Sunday, January 13, 2013

Bling B-Day

What do Momadonnas do after the Holiday Parties come to an end? We party more of course!

You may ask what makes a good party in January (other than having a few Momadonnas on site)? Well having a good reason to party is a good start and it seems the Moms can always find a reason! Our most recent party definitely was for a good reason it was for Bling’s Birthday!*

January Birthday parties are always appreciated. After the holidays we all feel the need to get out and play. So this party was exactly what the doctor ordered! We celebrated Bling's successful completion of another year with good friends, good food, good conversation, good dancing, good yoga**, and lots and lots of fire! So how could it not be a success? Oh and when I say fire I’m not just talking about the small blaze on the birthday cake (although we have been 26 for so long we could probably burn a house down with the amount of candles that make an appearance on our cakes now days). No indeed! This time we are talking serious fire with an actual fire dancer twirling his fire pois around for all to see. If it hadn’t been 4 degrees we would have thought we were in Hawaii or some tropical retreat! Unfortunately it was 4 degrees and we couldn’t stay out very long no matter how much we had to drink. So we made lots of smart A$$*** comments and video taped it to replay again and again!

All and all we had a great night – Happy B-day BLING!
* Bling is the Ringleaders Accessory (for any who didn’t know). He is also the only Accessory with a shiny nickname and I think he likes it that way.
** Yoga – yes you heard me correctly and what would a party be without girls doing yoga in the front room? I have pictures, but I’m not sharing!
*** A$$ - the $ is an S. You see, it has to be spelled this way because Punk can’t swear.  She has tried but she really isn’t any good at it and so as you may have guessed talking to Bitch can be a real problem for her….

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