Monday, November 14, 2011

November Birthdays

It’s that time of year again: The Professional celebrated her Annual 26th Birthday and the Momadonnas are ecstatic! We know there is nothing like a November Birthday, we crave them-no we NEED them! You see, by the time November rolls around we all need an excuse to Party and Thanksgiving just doesn’t cut it. Not that we don’t love Thanksgiving, it's just not the partying type of holiday…. I mean you don’t get any presents, it’s on a Thursday,* and there is no dancing involved. Although, by the end of the night, everyone is rolling around on the floor moaning (because they ate too much) which from a distance could look a bit like dancing.

This year The Professional’s Birthday started with our sleeping in** followed by the official Momadonna gathering at 1pm. Which, coincidentally enough, is also when we decided to get dressed. Not that we couldn’t all get together in jammies but it was The Professionals birthday after all. So the moms gathered. We are actually very good at gathering and this particular time we were able to make a day of it hanging out all day until our dinner reservations at 7. However, as you know when your with the Momadonnas, nothing goes as expected.

Arriving at the restaurant the moms found their dinner delayed. So what did they do? Break out dancing? Well yes, but first they got their hands on the restaurant’s Karaoke room! This was a perfect fit for The Professional’s birthday and even though the karaoke instructions were in Korean, the moms had a blast! Of course, after a relaxing day together that included wine and sake, the moms were more than ready to sing in Korean if necessary. Yes parts of us were feeling very good about then.

When the night ended The Professional must have been feeling good too. She told us it was a "perfect birthday" and honestly that’s all we need to hear. HAPPY BIRTHDAY GIRL!!!

* Thursdays are not the best day for a holiday - you may have to work the next day! Not that you will get much work done on a Friday after a holiday....
**The moms were able to sleep in because they arranged to have the school closed that Friday. Not that the school district knew it was for us or because of us (they thought it was a compensatory day due to parent teacher conferences), but we will take credit anyway.

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