Sunday, January 27, 2013

iCandy takes on Hollywood

This is a story about volunteer work. Now I know I got you all excited when I said Hollywood, but in my defense Hollywood got all excited when I said iCandy.

You may, or may not, know that moms are known for doing volunteer work. It’s true! The moms have helped volunteer everywhere from historical monuments to the local grade school. They help museums create displays, archeologists dig, as well as donating time and food to the area’s local food bank. What can I say, we are moms and volunteering is part of the job description. Seriously! When you become a mom you put that little minion first and you donate almost all your time to the effort of helping them grow into what we hope to call a civilized adult. So we are totally naturals* and why not put that effort towards other worthy endeavors too? I mean everyone wants a Momadonna around them! Everywhere I go I see business just begging the Momadonnas to help, they put up signs like “volunteers needed” and I know that’s just for us. Having a Momadonna in the building makes everything so much better.

Hollywood is the same, and they could definitely use a little Momadonna influence. So iCandy bravely stepped into that void. She joined the Sundance Film Festival and over a week impressed such famous actors as:
Dermot Mulroney from movies such as My Best Friends Wedding and The Grey

Jennifer Hudson from Dream Girls and American Idol
Alicia Keys The talented artist who crated such songs as the current hit Girl on Fire.
UFC/MMA  - all of them the whole Ultimate Fighting Championship League had to be impressed with iCandy, and I don’t blame them she does stand out in a crowd.  I am just curious to see if Jr. Santos dared to arm-wrestle her or not?

Ahhh Sundance its a great place to be and I just bet the Momadonnas will have more to say about it in the future.... including the Professional hanging out at Ashton Kutcher's After Party.

* I want to point out when I say we "are totally naturals” that is completely different from saying we went totally natural – you can see the difference right?

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Bling B-Day

What do Momadonnas do after the Holiday Parties come to an end? We party more of course!

You may ask what makes a good party in January (other than having a few Momadonnas on site)? Well having a good reason to party is a good start and it seems the Moms can always find a reason! Our most recent party definitely was for a good reason it was for Bling’s Birthday!*

January Birthday parties are always appreciated. After the holidays we all feel the need to get out and play. So this party was exactly what the doctor ordered! We celebrated Bling's successful completion of another year with good friends, good food, good conversation, good dancing, good yoga**, and lots and lots of fire! So how could it not be a success? Oh and when I say fire I’m not just talking about the small blaze on the birthday cake (although we have been 26 for so long we could probably burn a house down with the amount of candles that make an appearance on our cakes now days). No indeed! This time we are talking serious fire with an actual fire dancer twirling his fire pois around for all to see. If it hadn’t been 4 degrees we would have thought we were in Hawaii or some tropical retreat! Unfortunately it was 4 degrees and we couldn’t stay out very long no matter how much we had to drink. So we made lots of smart A$$*** comments and video taped it to replay again and again!

All and all we had a great night – Happy B-day BLING!
* Bling is the Ringleaders Accessory (for any who didn’t know). He is also the only Accessory with a shiny nickname and I think he likes it that way.
** Yoga – yes you heard me correctly and what would a party be without girls doing yoga in the front room? I have pictures, but I’m not sharing!
*** A$$ - the $ is an S. You see, it has to be spelled this way because Punk can’t swear.  She has tried but she really isn’t any good at it and so as you may have guessed talking to Bitch can be a real problem for her….

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Explosive New Year

This is how 2012 started.....lets see if 2013 can live up to it!

Saturday, January 5, 2013

It's not you, it's me

“It’s not you it’s me” – Wow did I really just say that? What in the world possessed me? Before you ask the answer is NO, this was not my breaking up with some man (although I can think of a few Accessories I would have liked to use this line on in the past). As a matter of fact this was not said to ANY man or woman at all, but instead to a 12 year old Minion. First, I want to point out that I do like to encourage this particular minion to “be herself” and not to “fall for peer pressure”, but I find sometimes peer pressure isn’t so bad and maybe we should pay a little more attention to those around us and their opinions. So although I said no to her purchasing a real 2-pound steel army helmet and wearing it to and from the junior high, it was definitely not her. It was all me at my mommy best!

It also made me think. How often do I say something that could have been phrased just a little differently so I didn't look quite so crazy? Well I'm not alone (I know I asked) and it turns out it is a mom thing! Sometimes we just find ourselves saying something that we would never have expected to hear coming out of our own mouths. It’s also usually something that could be taken wrong and almost always embarrasses us for at least a day. *

In fact, as a mom, I think it’s a pre-requisite. We have all said something unexpected and we will continue to do so. One mom said she asked her son (in front of others) “Why does your coach like little boys?” Of course a comment like this, overheard and out of context, would cause anyone to raise an eyebrow.  Now in her defense there was a logical reason for this question. You see she had noticed that the basketball coach kept putting the younger boys in the game and was not letting the older ones play, but anyone overhearing this would definitely not understand! Other comments that didn’t sound very good when overheard were:

“Good come! Good come!” –when the 1 ½ year old came when called.
“You need turkey droppings?” –a Thanksgiving misunderstanding.
“Look at her blow her nose!” –no comment! You just need to know that it’s the small things that make moms happy.
“Wow you are a dirty boy!” –this comment is perfectly innocent when used on any boy under the age of 10… no lets make that 8.
“Want to go sit on the Dude’s lap?” – for some reason this moms kids took to calling Santa The Dude.
“Don’t touch his balls!” – Yes indeed every mom has had to yell this at one time or another because kids just love balls. **
“You leave your teeth in the car young lady” -yelled across a parking lot and no I can’t really explain this one away but trust me it was for the best.

* Note: After one day most embarrassing moments become great stories to be used at parties and other social gatherings.
** Oh no! Do I have to add “kids just love balls” to the list of things I never thought I would say?